Join the Career Connection Academy


Job searching isnā€™t the most fun thing to do. Iā€™ve never met someone who actually likes being in a job search. You want to keep your job search as short as possible and maximize your results as much as you can. Am I Right? This is exactly why I set up the Career Connection Academy: To support you to land a job quick and easy.


You donā€™t want to apply. Applying is time-consuming. It is a lonely and frustrating journey. What you want is to get noticed. You want to be asked to apply or to be asked to join a company. This is exactly what I want to support you with. All you need to secure a job offer can be found in the Career Connection Academy.Ā 


The Career Connection Academy is a one-stop solution. Following the steps of the Career Connection Academy will ensure YOU attract the attention of employers for opportunities matching your qualifications. Within the Academy you will find:

  • A variety of courses about all Job Search Essentials like Resume Building, LinkedIn Profiling, Writing a cover letter that attracts, Setting up a Successful Job Search Strategy, and more
  • Ready-for-use templates, loads of text examples for writing cover letters and resumes focused on getting a job interview invite
  • Everything to support you every step of the way, from beginning to the end.

The best thing about all of this?

Every month I will release new resources and every quarter I will inform you about new trends and job market insights.


Hi, I am Mariƫlle

Throughout my career, I was at every end of the table. While working in HR, I hired and fired people, I got fired and I got hired. I know what a job search is like, personally and professionally.Ā What I discovered is this:

A job search often creates uncertainty for loads of reasons. Because you do not know what is expected of you in the process. Because you donā€™t know how to present yourself or because you donā€™t know where and how to find the right jobs. Or you feel completely lost, disappointed and have no idea what to do next since no results came in.

But let me tell you this:

A successful job search has nothing to do with the number of applications or beat the ATS system.
Job searching is about creating your momentum. Creating your momentum to get hired.

Implement the right job search strategy and take the right steps along the way, is what will attract the attention of hiring managers, recruiters and your new colleagues. Doing this is what shortened my job search. It made my job search easier and much more fun. Btw, this is also the feedback from my clients.

What I missed during my job search is someone standing by my side every step of the way. Someone to support me throughout the whole process for an affordable price. This is exactly why I created the Career Connection Community.

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Simple and easy. Choose the subscription matching your budget and needs and you are set to go.


Don’t hesitate to schedule your a call by using the scheduler below if you want to know more before signing up.


  1. Can I get private coaching with the PRO- level?
    No – the Pro level is a content only membership. You would need to upgrade to Ultimate to receive private coaching. You can email us at for more information on how to upgrade/downgrade.
  2. Can I get my resume, cover letter & LinkedIn reviewed?
    Our Ultimate level offers a full resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile review. Our PRO membership level DOES NOT offer reviews.
  3. Can I cancel at any time?
    You can cancel your subscription at any time. There are no cancellation fees.
  4. Is there an annual membership option?
    Currently, we are only offering monthly membership subscriptions.
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