Why Keywords matter when job searching
Recruitment becomes more data-driven every day. This means the importance of using the right keywords when job searching can make the difference between job search failure or success. Find out more about the different use of keywords in different countries and hear some tips and examples on how to find the right keywords for you.
Let's wrap up 2021
December has been a crazy month on my end. I am currently wrapping up before Christmas Holidays and I have to say: 2021 has been a rollercoaster once again for everyone. So let’s wrap up the year together and shed some light on what 2021 has brought us.
Boost Your Happiness at Work - Kindness
The 4th pillar of the PERK Pillars that define happiness at work is Kindness. We wander through the definition of kindness and why this an important within the main topic, happiness at work. Besides this, we will share a few awesome tips to implement kindness at work in a way that suits you.
Boost Your Happiness at Work - Resilience
Setbacks, failures, and disappointments are inevitable elements in EVERY workplace. The ability to HANDLE, ADAPT to, and productively LEARN from them is critical to overall happiness at work.
Boost Your Happiness at Work - Engagement
Besides the definition of Engagement, we will share why it is important to have engaged employees and we will walk you through amazing and self-tested strategies to boost your engagement and share our own experiences with goal setting and experiencing FLOW. Growing your happiness at work starts here!
Boost Your Happiness at Work - Purpose
Learn more about Purpose at work, the first of the 4 PERK factors that define happiness at work. We will walk you through the definition of Purpose, the relationship with core values, the importance of having a North Star up to tips and ways to find or boost your purpose in your professional life.
4 factors influencing Your Happiness at Work
Learn more about Happiness at work, factors that define happiness at work and how happiness at work interacts with happiness in life. Together with Happiness Expert Anna Blasiak, I dive into 4 main factors – the PERK factors – that define Happiness at work and how you can use these factors to stay motivated and happy at work.
5 tips for the ultimate Job Interview Preparation
Learn about the expectations on the employers’ end in a job interview, what a solid job interview preparation consists of and how to secure a job offer. This episode of the Career Connection Podcast contains 5 tips for the ultimate job interview preparation.
The Dutch Concept of Normal Being the Norm
Learn about the Dutch concept of “Normal is the Norm”, and how the Dutch perceive this. Learn what this concept means in collaborating with the Dutch from a leading expert in Intercultural training and communication.
How Cultural Differences influence the hiring and job searching process
This Podcast is interesting to listen to for hiring managers, job seekers and all others who would like to know more about cultural differences and how they influence the hiring process.
Cultural Differences in the workplace
Today on the Career Connection Podcast we will learn more about Cultural Differences in the workplace. Not only will we share insights on the cultural difference when applying, the subject discussed in the previous episode of the Career Connection podcast, but today we will focus on the cultural differences you will run into at the workplace itself.
What are the experienced cultural differences in the applying process
It’s one of the most discussed topics in client conversations and a topic employers currently struggle with. This is why I decided to dedicate this episode of the Career Connection Podcast to the experiences and cultural differences of applying in the Netherlands. With real examples of things, I run into on a daily basis on both ends of the table.
Meet The Expert: The Marriage Counselor
Regularly, people ask me if I know a good marriage counsellor/relationship therapist. Time to invite one to the Career Connection podcast. Learn about the bridges we sometimes have to build to stay aligned and what you can do to clean up the trash left in your basement or attic (psychology speaking, of course then).
Inspiring Expat Stories; Meet Kacper Chamot
In this episode of the Career Connection Podcast, we meet Kacper Chamot, case manager absenteeism plus video producer and editor. Kacpers’ career story is a story that just has to be shared.
3 mistakes to avoid when job searching in the Netherlands
When you don’t know about the common practices of applying and just apply what you know you might just end up with no job and frustration about the rejections coming in.
About the Career Connection Academy
Marielle Obels is the founder of the Career Connection Academy.
As a career coach Marielle helps you take matters into your own hands when it comes to your career or starting your own business.