YOUR career turn STARTS HERE
taking charge of your career
The most important thing to you is to be and stay happy at work. Currently, you feel you have lost control over your own career path and want to take charge of your career path again. Clarity is what you are after. Your mind keeps running around in the same circles which means you keep ending up at the same place over and over again. If you realize your professional life is not taking you where you want to go, it is time to seek guidance and ask for help. You came to the right place.
Is this your situation:
- You are going through the same routine day-by-day again and realize: “This is not what I signed up for. There has to be more to work and life”
- You have to bridge a GAP after being out of work for some time and feel the need to grow your confidence before getting back into working life
- You want to change careers to a different industry or a totally new direction
- You have lost sight of your talents, skills and capabilities and want to regain confidence again.
- You have the feeling that everybody else but you is important at work but YOU have decided now it is time to put yourself first.
If you struggle with one of these questions, this is the right programme for you. This programme is a fully tailor-made one-on-one programme which aims to support you in the things you would like to achieve. It aims to find clarity about the things you desire.
schedule your clarity call today
Hi, I am Marielle
From personal experience, I know how difficult it can be to follow your own path. Everyone around you has a well-defined plan for you. My employer was trying to push me into a certain direction, my parents had their own expectations of me, and I wondered what was right for me.
Everyone around me seemed to be happy and to enjoy what they were doing. I lost sight of my own path. I lost sight of the things I really enjoyed doing at work and started to realize that the constant tiredness I experienced was not normal. Work did not satisfy me anymore, even though I was still enjoying some parts of it, something had changed and I did not know where to take it from here.
It was not until I was ready to change, different things could come to me. At first, this freaked me out. Was I doing the right thing?
Despite all the opinions of others, I felt ready to do what I do best, support people on their way to reach their greatest potential. It was quite a journey, but I did it. And I know you can do it too. Because the real confidence, true faith, it is in you.

After you have completed this programme, you will:
- Have clarity on what is important for you in life and in your career
- Have gained insights into your biggest strengths and the things that keep you motivated.
- Have made the first steps towards a successful career comeback of career turn.
- Know what to do next to make your career a fulfilling and meaningful journey.
- Feel confident to take the next steps