5 motivation blockers when job searching

5 motivation blockers when job searching

The year has started and by now we feel we should have started with realizing our goals set. This is also the time of year it is difficult to stay motivated to get where we want to be. Perhaps you see others landing new jobs, and you don’t. Or, you notice everyone...
Why are keywords important when job searching?

Why are keywords important when job searching?

Why are keywords important when job searching? Let me share a part of a free call I had recently with you: Potential customer: “I am active in the wellness industry, and have a hard time finding the right vacancies to my experience.” Me: “What do you mean by the...
5 tips for the ultimate job interview preparation

5 tips for the ultimate job interview preparation

5 tips for the ultimate job interview preparation When the job interview invitation lands in your inbox, all of a sudden insecurities and nerves seem to hit us. Especially when it’s your first interview in a new country, the expectations on the employers’ end might be...
1 Hour Introductory Call

1 Hour Introductory Call

1-Hour Introductory Coaching Call €50,00 This is for you if you want to receive some instant feedback on your resume, LinkedIn profile, your job search strategy, or gain insights into your chances within the Dutch labour market for your profession. Gain confidence,...
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