How Perfectionism influences stress and performance at work

How Perfectionism influences stress and performance at work

How Perfectionism influences stress and performance at work Striving to do your best is a great thing, but what happens if your ambitions are detrimental to your success?  Perfectionism has been on the rise in recent decades. Together with the subject of...
Guest Blog: From Pivot to Purpose

Guest Blog: From Pivot to Purpose

Hi readers. My name is Hélène, originally from The Netherlands but living in Denmark. In 2022, I met Mariëlle through my traineeship. At the time, I worked together with her social media team to help create content for her website and social media pages. We are now a...
Skills-Based hiring on the rise

Skills-Based hiring on the rise

Skills-Based Hiring on the Rise With the job market being super tight across all industries and areas of expertise and the foresight it will stay this way in the coming months and years, employers worry about the topics of recruitment and retainment. Employers state...
How to apply for free study budget (STAP)

How to apply for free study budget (STAP)

Also in 2023, it is possible again: receive 1,000 euros for this amazing (language) course you want to sign up for. February 28, doors will open for the first time this year to receive the STAP Budget. In 2023, the Dutch government will release 170 million euros...
5 motivation blockers when job searching

5 motivation blockers when job searching

The year has started and by now we feel we should have started with realizing our goals set. This is also the time of year it is difficult to stay motivated to get where we want to be. Perhaps you see others landing new jobs, and you don’t. Or, you notice everyone...


This is how Analysis Paralysis & Overthinking affects motivation and procrastination Ever had the feeling you kept overthinking and analysing the pros and cons of a decision you had to make and found yourself not making a decision at all? Today I want to focus on...
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